How Ya Are?

Audio Crew

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Voodoo Audio Crew UPDATED!! on 6/1/13!!!
Multi-Band Compression NEW!! on 2/9/12!!!

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"My Chilrens"

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Operation Ward 57

How Ya'll Are?

We're glad fer ya to be here!!

Hope Ya'll have fun and enjoy this site.
Your gunna pass an eye on all the "Junk" we use to make that VOODOO Sound!
There's also alot of Station Pics & Audio Clips of the VooDoo Audio Crew.

Ya'll come and spread some of that Voodoo Audio with us
We're usually on 80 meters around 3.630 or 3610 Mc after 10:00PM.
on 160 meters, we're usually around 1.860 Mc.

During the Day if 40 Meters is morking (Yea Right!), We're on 7.235.00 Mc.
Ya might also find us on 20 meters around 14.178.00 Mc, or 18.120.00 Mc.

When 10 meters opens up again....
We'll ALL constantly be on 28.930.00 Mc,
the IVF (International Voodoo Frequency)!!

Tell us Hello!!

All information given on this site are the express opinions of WZ5Q
and I assume no responsibility for any outcome produced by such suggestions, opinions, and information.

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